

The biggest pains that I face daily are clients who believe that they are my only client that I work with. I will receive emails, texts and phone calls both before and after hours and I have had to gently remind them of my boundaries, as I was starting to burn out on top of not being present with my son on my scheduled time ogg.


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Willing to pay for solution

$50 a week.

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Value Reasoning

The solution is so valuable to me as I now do not have as much mom guilt as I used to have as I have started implementing a great system for work life balance. If someone were to send an "out of office, will respond during business hours," either via text or email, I would be willing to pay them about $50 a week.

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Current process

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Flaw in current process

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Attempts at solving

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Ideal solution

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Value reasoning

The solution is so valuable to me as I now do not have as much mom guilt as I used to have as I have started implementing a great system for work life balance. If someone were to send an "out of office, will respond during business hours," either via text or email, I would be willing to pay them about $50 a week.

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